Q.1Can I change my mobile number in profile ?

No, it is not possible to change your profile phone number directly. If you need to make changes, please send a request to our support team at care@billu.care or reach out to our IVR/whatsapp support - +919375133233

Q.2 Can I change my business name ? 

Certainly! You have the option to modify your business name by accessing the settings and navigating to the Business name & information tab. Please note that any changes made will require approval.

Q.3 Can I change my profile address ? 

Yes, You can do it this by using the location feature in settings.

Q.4 How to upload my ID documents ? 

Click on Profile --> Settings-->Business Details-->Profile Images & Docs-->Upload Identity proof

Q.5 How to add facilities details I  have in my salon ?

Click on Profile --> Settings-->Business Details-->Facilities-->Choose facilities-->Save

Q.6 How to add/edit my business hours ?

In the profile section, you have the option to utilize the "Working hours, Holidays" feature to accomplish this task. 

Q.7 How to add services ? 

Click on service setup-->Select category-->Add Service-->Select from the list-->Set Price-->Submit

Q.8 How to see all my customers list ? 

To access your customer list, navigate to the profile section and click on "Customer List." Here, you can view details such as the list of your customers, the amount they have spent, and the services they have availed.

Q.9 How do I see my daily reports ? 

This will show in Performance Report section In Dashboard and under Profile also. It will give you daily reports of Revenue, Bookings, Deals , Service and Staff .

Q.10 How to add/manage staff ?

To add staff members to your salon, go to the profile section and click on "Staff Management." From there, you can input their personal details, expertise, and experience.

Q.11 Can I remove my staff from app ?

Certainly! You have the flexibility to remove or disable staff members at any time through the ""Staff Management"" section."

Q.12 How  invite and Earn features work ? 

The "Invite and Earn" feature enables you to refer the "Billu Partner app" and "Customer App" to your community. When they sign up using your referral link, you will earn BCP (Billu Cash points). Simply go to the profile section and click on "Invite & Earn" to initiate the process.

Q.13 How to update my ongoing portfolio ? 

Navigate to the Profile and Portfolio section and upload photos/videos of your workplace and your work. These images will be showcased in the Billu Customer app under your salon profile.

Q.14 How to update cover picture of my public profile ?  

You can accomplish this by clicking on the "Change Cover" option located at the top left corner of the profile section. However, please note that it will be subject to approval.

Q.15 If I want to close my salon for sometime then what to do ? 

You can add holidays going in "Working Hours,Holidays" section for the particular time period.  

 Q.16 How to disable service ?

Click on profile-->Service setup-->Service category-->service-->click on toggle to disable-->continue

Q.17 How to active/inactive time slot ?

Click on Working hours/holidays-->Business hours-->Day's slot-->use toggle to active/inactive any any time slot

Q.18 How to delete time slot ?

Click on Working hours/holidays-->Business hours-->Day's slot-->Delete the time slot using delete icon

Q.19 I couldn't upload my id on the time of onbording now how can I upload my id ?

Click on profile-->Setting-->Business Detail-->Profile Images & Docs-->Upload Identity Proof-->Select any one and upload

Q.20 How can I change my language ?

Click on Profile-->Setting-->Personal Setting-->Choose a language

Q.21 How I can add my bank account ?

Click on Profile-->Bank account list-->+Add bank account-->Account name-->Account number-->Bank name-->IFSC code-->Add bank account

Q.22 What is the use of BCP(Billu Cash Point) ?

You have the full advantage of utilizing your entire BCP (Billu Cash Point) balance for purchasing products from our ecommerce shop

Q.23 What if I want to change my mobile number ?

Regrettably, changing your profile phone number directly is not feasible.To make any modifications, kindly submit a request to our support team at care@billu.care or reach out to our IVR/whatsapp support at +919375133233

Q.24 What if I want to change my business name ?

Certainly! You have the option to modify your business name by accessing the settings and navigating to the Business name & information tab. Please note that any changes made will require approval.

Q.25 What to do to change my business address ?

Click on profile-->Setting-->Business detail-->Location-->Enter the location-->Update

Q.26 What to do to upload my id documents ?

Click on Profile --> Settings-->Business Details-->Profile Images & Docs-->Upload Identity proof

Q.27 What to do to add/edit business hours ?

In the profile section, you have the option to utilize the "Working hours, Holidays" feature to accomplish this task.

Q.28 What to do to add new facilities ?

Click on Profile --> Settings-->Business Details-->Facilities-->Choose facilities-->Save

Q.29 What to do to add new servicees ?

Click on service setup-->Select category-->Add Service-->Select from the list-->Set Price-->Submit

Q.30 What to do to see my customers llist ?

To access your customer list, navigate to the profile section and click on "Customer List." Here, you can view details such as the list of your customers, the amount they have spent, and the services they have availed.

Q.31 What to do to see my  reports ?

This will show in Performance Report section under Profile. It will give you daily reports of Bookings, Staff, Revenue, etc..

Q.32 What to do to add/manage staff ? 

To add staff members to your salon, go to the profile section and click on "Staff Management." From there, you can input their personal details, expertise, and experience.

Q.33 What to do if I want to remove my staff ?

You have the flexibility to remove or disable staff members at any time through the "Staff Management" section.

Q.34 What is Invite and earn feature ?

The "Invite and Earn" feature enables you to refer the "Billu Partner app" and "Customer App" to your community. When they sign up using your referral link, you will earn BCP (Billu Cash points). Simply go to the profile section and click on ""Invite & Earn"" to initiate the process.

Q.35 What to do to update my ongoing profile ?

Navigate to the Profile and Portfolio section and upload photos/videos of your workplace and your work. These images will be showcased in the Billu Customer app under your salon profile.

Q.36 What to do to update my cover picture ? 

You can accomplish this by clicking on the "Change Cover" option located at the top left corner of the profile section. However, please note that it will be subject to approval.

Q.37 What to do if I want to close my salon for sometime ?

You can add holidays going in "Working Hours, Holidays" section for the particular time period. 

Q.38 What to do to disable any service ?

Click on profile-->Service setup-->Service category-->service-->click on toggle to disable-->continue

Q.39 What to do to active/inactive time slot ?

Click on Working hours/holidays-->Business hours-->Day's slot-->use toggle to active/inactive any any time slot

Q.39 What to do to delete time slot ?

Click on Working hours/holidays-->Business hours-->Day's slot-->Delete the time slot using delete icon

Q.40 What to do to upload id proof ?

Click on profile-->Setting-->Business Detail-->Profile Images & Docs-->Upload Identity Proof-->Select any one and upload

Q.41 What to do if I want to change my language ?

Click on Profile-->Setting-->Personal Setting-->Choose a language

Q.42 What to do to add bank account ?

Click on Profile-->Bank account list-->+Add bank account-->Account name-->Account number-->Bank name-->IFSC code-->Add bank account